Is it more expensive to book a ride online?
No. We do not charge an extra fee for booking the ride in advance. Each ride costs the same amount regardless of whether you book it ahead of time or whether you simply walk up to a carriage along Central Park South. However, booking a ride in advance has several advantages. First, you are ensuring that you will go with a knowledgeable and experienced driver who provide you with a high level of service. Second, some of our longer rides are unavailable from other drivers at certain times, especially when it is busy. We are committed to providing you with the ride you want when you want it.
Is the tip for the driver included in the price of the ride?
The tip is not included in the price of the ride. While tips are strictly customary. If you enjoyed the ride and feel that your driver has provided you with a high level of service, it is customary to tip as you would for service at a restaurant.
Are we allowed to feed the horses when we come?
Absolutely! having fun is part of the experience. We encourage you to bring a healthy snack such as a carrot or apple for the horse.
Where do you get your horses?
We work with the Amish and Mennonite communities in Lancaster, PA and New Holland, PA to find horses with the right temperament and build for our work in New York. We are extremely selective in choosing our horses. We only work with calm, sturdy horses who we feel can deal with the stress and rigor of the city. When we shop for a horse, we'll often inspect over one-hundred horses before we find one that we think may be suitable. Our horses undergo extensive training in Pennsylvania before they arrive in New York. If we ever have any doubts about a horse, we do not introduce them into the business.
Do the drivers talk about sights along the ride?
Our drivers will happily tell you about the history of Central Park and all the sights you will pass along the ride. It is a treat for us to be able to work in such a beautiful place and we're always excited when we get to share it with people.